Kara Bush Posts

  • CompTIA Applauds Governor Brown for Reaffirming Need for Online College in May 2018 Budget Revision

    May 14, 2018, 14:43 PM by Kara Bush
    The California State Legislature retained funding in the May 2018 state budget revision for Governor Brown’s bold proposal for a new 115th community college to be offered completely online. The online college addresses a critical gap in higher education in California by providing access to skills, training and credentials millions cannot otherwise obtain.
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  • CompTIA Testifies in Support of California After School Coding Grant Program

    Apr 27, 2018, 13:12 PM by Kara Bush
    On Wednesday, April 25th CompTIA testified before the California State Assembly Committee on Education in support of AB 2098 by Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento). CompTIA and TechNet are co-sponsoring the measure which would establish a three-year pilot for a 21st Century After-School coding grant program within the After-School Education and Safety (ASES) framework.
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  • Day at the Arizona State Capitol Included Coding Event and Legislative Meetings

    Feb 28, 2018, 22:45 PM by Kara Bush
    Earlier this week, CompTIA hosted a "Preparing the Future Workforce though Computer Science Education and Coding" in Phoenix, Arizona. CompTIA in partnership with Apple held a two hour training/education session for legislators and staff to better understand the industry and need for computer science. A hands-on coding session was introduced to legislators and staff in a new, fun and interactive coding experience called "Everyone Can Code using Swift Playgrounds."
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  • CompTIA’s National State Government Affairs Committee Meets at the CompTIA State Tech Summit Last Week

    Oct 17, 2017, 15:07 PM by Kara Bush
    The CompTIA National State Government Affairs (SGA) Committee met October 11th in Scottsdale, AZ during our annual State Tech Summit to discuss CompTIA’s policy priorities for 2018. Prior to the meeting, each policy committee was tasked with reviewing and updating CompTIA’s policy positions as they relate to education and workforce, environment, privacy, procurement, and taxation.
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  • CompTIA Hosts Successful NCSL 2017 Jobs Summit at Headquarters

    Sep 27, 2017, 13:49 PM by Kara Bush
    On Tuesday, September 19th, CompTIA hosted the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) for their 2017 Jobs Summit at headquarters in Downers Grove, IL. With over 65 legislators and staff in attendance from across the nation, CompTIA share insight about the tech industry as well as the great work and engagement by our member companies.
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  • CompTIA CA SGA Committee Met this Week in California to Review Current and Pending Legislation

    Aug 25, 2017, 14:25 PM by Kara Bush
    This week, CompTIA’s California State Government Affairs held its monthly policy meeting in Sacramento to review current and pending legislation. Assemblyman Ash Kalra (D-San Jose) joined CompTIA on Wednesday, August 23rd as a guest speaker. As a freshman member of the California State Assembly, CompTIA members were interested in hearing from the Assemblyman on his first full year in office.
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  • CompTIA Testifies on CA Legislation to Block Taxes on Streaming Services

    Apr 28, 2017, 15:30 PM by Kara Bush
    On Monday, April 24, CompTIA testified in support of legislation CA AB 252, which would have temporarily prohibited localities from imposing any tax on subscription video streaming services.
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  • Governor Brown Proposes 2017-18 State Budget

    Jan 13, 2017, 16:23 PM by Kara Bush
    Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proposed a balanced state budget that eliminates a projected $2 billion deficit and bolsters the state’s Rainy Day Fund while continuing to invest in education, health care expansion and other core programs.
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  • Olympia Lawmakers Return for 2017 Session

    Jan 13, 2017, 16:21 PM by Kara Bush
    Washington State legislators will convene today in Olympia for the 2017 legislative session. The regular session is scheduled to run 105 days through April 23, however special session extensions are likely.
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  • Colorado Reconvenes for 2017 Legislative Session

    Jan 13, 2017, 16:18 PM by Kara Bush
    Lawmakers gathered at the State Capitol Wednesday to celebrate the opening of the 71st General Assembly. Outgoing Speaker of the House Dickey Lee Hullinghorst (D-Boulder) and Senate President Bill Cadman (R-Colorado Springs) presided over the opening of session and then turned over their gavels to new leaders. The House of Representatives elected Crisanta Duran (D-Denver) as the new Speaker, a historic moment as she is the first Latina woman to hold the office. The Senate elected Kevin Grantham (R-Canon City) as President of the 71st General Assembly.
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